
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Best place To Get A Fiance Visa for USA without spending lot

We promise to find reasonable solutions to what may appear an impossibly complex and fabulously expensive task. The process is not easy either but we will guide each step of the way. All you do is sign the papers and leave the headaches to us.

Stringent requirements apply of course for Americans interested in getting a visa for the fiance abroad. Those conditions cannot be waived. Compulsory documents need to be produced too and many of them. Why are so many people obsessed? Petitions are rejected if mistakes have been made and we will ensure that it does not happen.

Required documents for Fiance visa include photocopies of the American citizen’s passport showing foreign travel to meet the fiance. You have to submit pictures of both together. Birth certificates of both individuals would be required. If either was previously married, documents that prove the termination are required. Start getting the documents together.

We specialize in global services to obtain US Fiance Visa so that you can bring the foreign fiance to America. Besides the form filling and answering of queries, we will prepare the fiance for the interview at the American Consulate. Sample questions will be suggested to tally with the interview.

Otherwise the requirements are that the American citizen should have met the fiance during the last two years. The relationship would have to be proved at a later stage by evidence like emails, letters, chats and phone bills. Evidence of financial support would be required too. The petitioner should be in good financial standing of course.

We assure of dedicated services to obtain Fiance visa for USA usually within a few months at absolutely reasonable fees with $499 as the first installment, totaling to $1,349.  

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